Restructuring / Business Succession
- Difficult phase of business that requires a professional with knowledge of actual practices in Southeast Asia
Expanding into the ASEAN region is like a "second founding" for a company.
There are times when things go well, but there are also times of hardship.
There are signs of "symptoms" in corporate management, just as there are signs of human illness. These include failure to meet business plans, employee resignations, losses, impairment, and insolvency.
Sometimes the best course of action is to liquidate/sell the business. We also provide consultation services foreign investors to exit or sell their businesses.
We will keep all the details of our discussion strictly confidential. If the result is that you do not need assistance in restructuring your business, we think that is the best thing for you.
If you feel for even a moment that your business is not doing well, please come to us as soon as possible.