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Track Record

Our major achievements are as follows.

Dark Concrete Wall

Deal Structure: JV 


Fuji Nihon x Thai Wah

November 2024,

Food Industry,

Establishment of Joint venture between Fuji Nihon Corporation a sugar manufacturing and Thai Wah PCL

Deal Structure:
Capital Alliance


TechMatrix x Chococard

October 2022,

IT section

Investment by TechMatrix in Choco Card Enterprise, a CRM software company in Thailand.

Deal Structure: M&A


Nishimura&Asahi x SCL Law Group

August 2019,

In the legal services sector.

Acquisition of SCL LAW Group, a leading Thai law firm, by Nishimura & Asahi, Japan's largest law firm.​​

Deal Structure: JV


Nikkatsu Nippon TV x Kantana

June 2014

Media &

Communications sector.

The establishment of a joint venture company, KANTANA JAPAN by Nikkatsu Corporation, Nippon Television and KANTANA, the largest video production company in ASEAN.

Deal Structure: M&A


Rika x Pinthong_edited.jpg

November 2013,

in the Miscellaneous Manufacturing sector. Acquisition of shares of JUTHA WAN METAL LTD, a subsidiary of PINTHONG GROUP, by Rika Kogyo Co., Ltd

Deal Structure: M&A 


Aica x ADB

September 2024, Manufacturing sector.

AICA Asia Pacific Holding Pte Ltd. acquired shares of the ADB Sealant Co.,Ltd from Applied DB  

Deal Structure: M&A


Fuyo Lease x Plic

January 2022,

In the Finance/Logistics

Acquisition of shares of PLIC Corp., Ltd., a logistic solutions company in Thailand, by Fuyo integrated Lease (49%, becoming an equity method affiliate.)

Deal Structure: Fundraising

Fomm x Banpu

February 2019 Automobile/Energy

Thai Japanese EV venture company by Thailand's largest coal company, Bangpu.

Minority investment in FOMM

(About 2.2 billion yen)

Deal Structure: JV


Pomme Food x Betagro

March 2014,

in the Food Retail/ Food Sector:

The establishment of a joint venture between POMME Food and BETARGO in Thailand.

Deal Structure: M&A


Plic Firston x ACT

June 2024,

Chemicals ACT Corporation acquires 51% of the shares of PLIC Firston Co., Ltd., a construction materials trading company.

Deal Structure:
Research & Consulting



May 2021,

Government Agency:

Survey on Enhancing Management

Capabilities of Overseas

Local Subsidiaries.

Deal Structure: M&A


Konoike Group x J_ Land Transport

October 2016 Transportation sector:

Acquisition of J Transport Co., Ltd. by Konoike Transport, a major

Japanese transportation company.

Deal Structure: JV


Cut Japan x Orbit

February 2014,

Other services The establishment of the Joint venture between CUT JAPAN and

Orbit International.

Deal Structure: MOU 


Aldagram x Italian Thai

June 2023,

IT Signing of an MOU regarding project management software for construction sites with ITD, the largest general contractor.

Deal Structure:M&AJV 

Housedo x Capital Link

December 2019,

In the Real Estate/ Finance sector.

Joint venture revival

(Establishment of H-Do Thailand) HouseDo (now and Do-Holding), a major Japanese real estate brokerage and financial firm, and


Additionally, acquisition of a subsidiary of CAPITAL LINK by the newly formed company.

Deal Structure:
Research & Consulting



January 2016

The energy sector

February 2015

Support for the development of

ASEAN strategies formulations.

Deal Structure: JV


Mitsubishi x AP TH

December 2013,

In the Real Estate sector.

Formation of a joint venture between Mitsubishi Estate and AP.


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